This Princess Toadstool Fiesta Medal 2022 is the companion piece to Tony Infante's Taco Mario Fiesta Medal 2022! Have you ever wondered what the Princess was doing at the other castle? Why, Fiesta-ing it up of course! Playing on his 8-bit theme, Princess Toadstool is rocking a flower crown and Bowser has on a Cavaliers hat—and doesn't that castle look a little familiar? 🤔 There are 50 of these Princess Toadstool 2022 Fiesta Medals available in limited edition GOLD plating!
Wanna find out what's up with Mario? Check out Tony's other 2022 Fiesta Medal! $1 from every Taco Mario Fiesta Medal 2022 sold this year will be donated to Rey Feo Scholarship Foundation.