Can't believe that this is the seventh Miss Foodie Medal for Christina Liserio, and this Miss Fruit Cup Fiesta Medal 2023 is incredibly cute! Who doesn't love a fruit cup during the warm spring months in San Antonio, especially one topped with some Tajin! Miss Fruit Cup is in one of those clear plastic cups–we used an epoxy covering with some "cloudiness" to really make the fruit kind of blurry like in a real fruit cup! The fruit on the top are vibrant colors and it is dusted with some glittery "Tajin" like powder!
Right now, we have both the GOLD and SILVER versions in stock for the same price of $12! And if you choose the Gold version, your medal is serialized out of 100! I wanted to make sure that our earliest supporters had the choice between gold or silver! Check out the photos to see what I'm talking about!
One dollar from every sale of Miss Fruit Cup Fiesta Medal through 2023 goes to Snack Pack 4 Kids, an organization that provides weekend food supplements to students who are identified by their teachers, creating food security for them over the weekend. SA Flavor is proud to have supported this organization in the past, and I'm super happy Christina chose it as her charity for 2022. "Many people don't think about childhood weekend hunger," Christina told me. "Food insecurity is more common than we realize and Snack Pack 4 Kids treats students with dignity and respect."
Oyster Bake OFFICIAL Fiesta Medal 2025
$ 12.00
La Dama 2025 Fiesta Medal by JJ De Hoyos
Dr. Jones and The Last Chicken on a Stick Fiesta...
[ONLY 50] Fiesta Engage Fiesta Medal 2025
$ 15.00
Pink Piñata Club Fiesta Medal 2025 by Mitzi Moore
Read our Fiesta Medal Guide now for our best practices to make an awesome medal!